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Not many people would have thought that websites would take over the world when the first website was launched on August 6th, 1991. Today, about 1.89 billion websites are online and approximately about 6 million people use the Internet.

Over the decades, the field of website development has rapidly evolved and still continues to. Being a website owner, it’s imperative to be aware of the latest web development trends to thrive in the market.

Failing to keep up with the trends can ultimately result in the decline of website performance and user engagement which might eventually make you lose out to your competitors.

Developing or redesigning your existing website according to the latest trends is key to stay ahead of the competition and flourish. So here in this blog, let us take a look at the 4 biggest website trends to watch out for, in 2022.

Here goes.

  1. AI integrated Chatbots

So, what does the future of Website development look like? I believe that2022could be the year of AI Chatbots. Most of the websites will be integrated with AI-based bots to meet the needs and match the behavior of users by leveraging Artificial intelligence and Machine learning technology.

AI-based chatbots not only assist companies to operate faster-using voice and text chats but can also help them improve customer experience. They collect data from the user, respond to user queries, and answer frequently asked questions, thereby offering them a seamless user experience.

Many renowned companies have already supported their customers with AI integrated Facebook messengers, WhatsApp and skype.

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  1. PWA (Progressive Web Apps)

PWA might not be considered a new trend. However, with the latest updates and features, PWA will replace contemporary web apps for good. PWA can load the website in no time and even work offline, e.g.: Google maps.

Companies like Starbucks, Uber, Pinterest, and Twitter have already been using PWAs for an elevated user experience.

  1. Motion UI

Motion UI is one of the hottest trends right now. It is the best way to enhance your user interaction by making it more interactive. Today many web app developers are implementing motion UI to make websites look appealing. It allows developers to use animation on the website.

In summary, it’s a library with a variety of animations that can be played and re-played by developers. This is what makes the websites attractive, trendy and engaging.

  1. Single Page Application

A single-page application (SPA) is a JavaScript-based web application that loads a single HTML page in a visitor’s browser and dynamically updates the content as needed without requiring the visitor to refresh the page. Single-page applications are one of the hottest омг ссылка trends in the field now. Since renowned companies like Google, Facebook and Instagram are using SPAs, today they have been widely adopted by the web development community.

In addition to being cost-effective and simple to create, this type of application consumes less server space and provides users with relevant information on a single page, efficiently.

This concludes our blog here, for now. Hope it has helped you rethink your website plans. Let’s meet again with another engaging topic soon!

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